contact aspen life coach

Contact Andy Wooten, Aspen Life Coach

Ready to take control of your destiny?

I help guide others to meet their goals regardless of where they are life, relationship, career, health or fitness related. We work with the individual to create a plan, set up intermediate milestones, track progress and provide a source of accountability.

I love being a life coach and living in Aspen, Colorado. I welcome clients regardless of geographical location.



Tackle life after a relationship ends. We have resources for those going through or contemplating divorce, as well as those ready to take their relationship to the next level. Enhance your communication skills, leading to more fulfilling relationships both personally and professionally.


Learn how goal setting is the key to unleashing your full potential and understand that goals come in any size or shape.Feel more alive and successful in every area of your life.

Health & Fitness

Reduce weight and get fit. Feel more alive and successful in every area of your life.